A Steamy Interview with romantic suspense author Cherish D'Angelo

Lia: It's great to have you, Cherish! First question - Have you ever cried or laughed out loud while writing a scene?
Cherish: I've done both. With Lancelot's Lady, I recall laughing out loud when I wrote a particular scene where Jonathan sneaks up on Rhianna while she's swimming in a moonlit pool in the woods. I also chuckled when he points out something in the water that really freaks her out and results in a very comical situation.
I cried at the end of Lancelot's Lady, while writing the epilogue. It's just so emotional and touching and bittersweet.
Lia: What’s your secret to writing a steamy scene?
Cherish: Three things: a very vivid imagination, the ability to research nearly anything and lots of ice water.
Lia: LOL! Ice water is an essential. Where is the wildest place your characters have had sexual relations?
Cherish: On the rock slab behind the waterfall.
Lia: Ooh, I have a fascination with waterfalls! I must read. Which scene in your book do you think will leave the reading squirming in their seat?
Cherish: Definitely the scene in Jonathan's cabin where he treats Rhianna to some sensual pleasure by painting her. And I don't mean her portrait. What that man can do with a brush! Sigh…
Lia: You have me intrigued, to say the least. Reading on...
Teaser excerpt:

“Lie down on the sofa,” he told her.
When she was positioned on her back, he studied her. Then he raised one of her legs.
“Like that,” he said.
She watched him move to the table by the easel and squeeze various paint tubes onto a wooden palette. With three brushes in his hand and the palette, he approached her.
“What are you doing?” she asked, confused.
He smiled. “I’m painting you.”
“Shouldn’t you be working on canvas?”
“You’re my canvas.”
Rhianna’s heart fluttered. “You can’t put paint on me. I’ll never get it off.”
“These are watercolors. Very safe on the skin and they’ll come off in the shower.”
Her eyes widened. “But―”
“You said you trust me, Rhianna.”
“I do.”
“Then close your eyes and be my canvas.”
She did as he asked, holding her breath, waiting for the first touch of paint.
“This is a wandering vine,” he said as the cool tip of a brush moved down the side of her neck in flowing swirls toward her right breast.
Rhianna quivered when another brush stroke slid under her breast, then upward very slowly, ending just below her nipple. She gasped at the erotic sensations it caused. The soft strokes reminded her of his tongue caressing her skin.
“This is a hibiscus, just opening to the sun,” Jonathan said, his voice hoarse.
The brush swirled over her breast and a moan escaped. When cool paint circled the tender nub, she clamped her legs together in response.
“Be still,” he whispered.
He added curves and curls in agonizingly fluid motions, until she was nearly going out of her mind. What she wanted―what she needed―had nothing to do with paint and brushes.
A warm hand slide up her thigh.
“Relax,” he murmured. “Trust me.”
Another swipe of paint left an icy trail from her breast down to her belly button. She thought he’d stop there, but he didn’t. The tip of the brush swirled lower, then veered off to one side before curling inward along the inside of her thigh. He did this on the other side, then slowly parted her legs.
She heard a hiss of breath. Not hers. Jonathan’s.
“I trust you,” she said. “Completely.”
Lia: I have chills! SEXY excerpt. For those of you who'd like to know more (I know I do), here's more infomation about Cherish's novel and book tour:

You can learn more about Lancelot's Lady and Cherish D'Angelo (aka Cheryl Kaye Tardif) at http://www.cherishdangelo.com/ and http://www.cherylktardif.blogspot.com/. Follow Cherish from September 27 to October 10 on her Cherish the Romance Virtual Book Tour and win prizes.
Lia: Cherish's question for the readers:
Cherish: Where do you read most―on the couch, in bed, in the bath, on a bus, at work?
What a delicous steamy excerpt - ty very much for sharing.
Jonathan certainly seems like a creative man.
Pam S
pams00 @ aol.com
You're very welcome, Pam. lol
Yes, creativity is a good thing in a man.
Wonderful to be a part of your book tour, Cherish. I absolutely love your cover, and your excerpt leaves me wanting for more!
Oh, one of my favorite scenes! The scene in the water was pretty funny, but also disappointing. Not in the writing, but just the situation of the characters. I was cursing after that one. In fact, I think I twittered Cheryl about that one. Anyways, Lancelot's Lady is a great read, so if you haven't already checked it out, you should!
Very, VERY sexy. Phew! Better than coffee. :) Lovely interview and excellent teaser.
jmfictionscribe at yahoo.com.au
Lia, I'm so glad you like the cover. Jimmy Thomas is the model and he's great on any cover. :-)
Thank you, Jessica. lol Glad you liked this scene. It was a racy one for me.
Jaime, was it better than chocolate?? hehe
Happy reading everyone!
HAHA! There is a gourmet chocolate shop just a five minute walk away from where I live. They do chocolate shots (dark, milk or white) in your coffee. Teehee! This excerpt was definitely a long, strong macchiato with a dark chocolate shot.
Ok, I'm on my way down for coffee!! Dark chocolate shot in mine please. :-)
I am playing catch up!! I had a wedding to go to and got behind. Sometimes even stalkers take a break!!!
P.s Thank you for stalking me!!!
sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com
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