Paisley picked a winner of her eBook Birthday Girl. Congratulations to Anna Shah Hoque (s7anna)!! Paisley will be sending it over to you soon.
Thanks so much to everyone who stopped by!!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Writer with Sizzle: Paisley Smith

Lia: Hi Paisley! What physical aspect does your heroine love most about your heroine? Details, please!
Paisley: Since I write F/F and F/F/M romance, my heroines like a combination of sensuality, intelligence and independence. My heroines are confident women in themselves but are a bit uncertain how to bring that confidence to a new relationship.
In my upcoming Ellora’s Cave quickie, Beyond Curious, Annie had agreed to her grandmother’s dying wish that she take piano lessons. In the following excerpt, Annie arrives and discovers her predisposed notions about piano her teacher was wrong. Very wrong.
Although the pianist’s left hand was obscured by the drapery, Annie could see Mrs. Granger’s right hand lithely gliding up and down the keyboard.
Just as her consciousness submerged completely into the music, the musician abruptly stopped and stood, turning to discover her spying like some sort of peeping tom.
But no quicker than Annie had glimpsed her teacher, she vanished and Annie heard the doorknob turning. The screen door creaked as the widow pushed it open.
Annie gaped.
This was hardly the old cat woman in worn out house shoes she had imagined.
Mrs. Granger was beautiful. Her blonde hair fell in an ethereal mass of waves just below her shoulders. Minimal makeup made highlighted her fresh faced appearance. Her white blouse and black skirt were stylish, yet professional. Annie had expected an old crone of seventy to greet her wearing a floral print muumuu. This woman had to be in her thirties—if that. The only thing that gave away her age was the wisdom in her eyes which emanated from behind a pair of bright blue reading glasses.
Everything about her seemed feminine and soft and the way her gaze traveled down Annie’s body and back up again made Annie wish she’d worn something besides the jeans and boots she wore to her job at the humane shelter every morning. A smile claimed Mrs. Granger’s pink glossed lips. “You must be Annie.”
Annie patted the embroidered patch bearing her name on her shirt pocket. “Yep. That’s me. How’d you ever guess?” She suddenly wanted to kick herself. Hard. Jeez, she sounded like a star struck moron.
Lia: Love it! Is there anything special you do to get “in the mood” before writing a sex scene?
Paisley: Before I write a sex scene, I block it out in my mind. Well…that’s just a nice way of saying I fantasize about it. Hemingway said, “Write drunk. Edit sober.” I don’t exactly write drunk but often I will enjoy a glass of red wine while I write a love scene. And then, I just let the characters do what comes naturally. Writing the love scene is like watching a movie of it my head. I try to grasp the emotions first, and then write the action and dialogue accordingly.
Lia: What is the hottest scene you ever wrote?
Paisley: My favorite hot scene is in Birthday Girl. It’s an F/F/M ménage story about a married couple who want to experiment with a third party—a sexy female friend. The scene combined all my favorites. A strong hero, wine and outdoor sex!
Here’s a teaser:
The outdoor air felt different on my nude flesh than the inside air had, as if I were more exposed and vulnerable. My nipples tightened and chills skittered up and down my arms and legs.
Nate’s warm hands cradled my bottom and Lindsey’s palms moved over my breasts. I melted between them, overwhelmed by sensation. Nate’s cock was hard and I felt it prodding me through his clothes. Lindsey ground against me erotically while her hands roamed over my body leaving wildfire in their wake. Nate’s hands skidded over my skin and at first, I tried to sort out who was touching me and where.
Don’t think. Just feel.
I heard myself moan. Blindfolded and inundated with touch, my consciousness spiraled completely inside my body. All coherent thought fled and there were only four hands, two big and two small. Two mouths tormented the most sensitive parts of my body. The nape of my neck. My breasts. My mouth. Oh God, my ears.
Then lower. I groaned.
Without warning, Nate lifted me, bracing my back against his chest, holding me up by the thighs and spreading me wide for my female lover’s mouth. I cried for sweet mercy as Lindsey’s mouth locked on my clit. Heaven. This was pure heaven.
Lia: Okay, I’m fanning! Hot stuff, Paisley! Where is the wildest place your characters have had sexual relations?
Paisley: In my Scintillating Sample, First Taste, a free download from Ellora’s Cave, my two heroines reunite at a high school reunion planning committee and they make out in the bathroom at the restaurant. I love writing “private but still in public” love scenes. I thought this one was hot because it’s the first time the heroines have been together in several years.
Her lips stretched into a smile as she twisted the doorknob with one hand and snatched mine with the other. Giggling, she dragged me into the bathroom with her and before the light was even on, she pushed me against the wall and covered my mouth with hers.
I melted.
It had been so long but the memories swept back over me in a torrent. I moaned, opening for her to admit her tongue. My own sparred with hers. My hands skimmed her body, caressing her through her flimsy dress.
The lock clicked. The light snapped on and I found myself staring at the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. All those years ago… Had I been in love with her then? Because I was fairly certain I was in love with her now.
My hands moved over the curve of her ass and then down to where I dragged up her skirt. Fuck me! No panties. My lashes fluttered shut as her mouth fused with mine again.
Her thighs opened as I reached between them. She was as wet as I was. My heart hammered and I worked my fingers through her slippery folds, searching, finding…ah, yes, there.
She moaned as I pushed one finger up inside her. A tremor shook her body. I explored her, tasting her mouth, breathing in the scent of her feminine perfume. My senses were inundated with her and with my surroundings. My skin tingled with her touch. My ears pounded with the rock music blaring through the speakers. I’d never felt so alive.
My free hand brushed over one of her breasts. No bra. Her nipple was diamond hard and grew even harder when I rolled it between my thumb and middle finger. She dragged her mouth from mine and clung to my shoulders. “I want you to eat me.”
Lia: Whew! Am I blushing? :-) Where can readers find your sizzling books, Paisley?
My free read can be downloaded at
Lia: Excellent! Thanks for being a Writer with Sizzle, Paisley!
For more information about Paisley or her books, check out her site at
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Writer with Sizzle: Cari Quinn
Please welcome Cari Quinn!
A little about Cari:
Cari Quinn wrote her first story - a bible parable - in 2nd grade, much to the delight of the nuns at her Catholic school. Once she saw the warm reception that first tale garnered, she was hooked. She attempted her first romance in junior high, long before she'd ever read one. Writing what she knew always took a backseat to what she wanted to know, and that still holds true today. Cari's genres of choice include contemporary, romantic comedy, romantic suspense, urban fantasy and paranormal. Recently she discovered erotic romance. Oh, how far she's come…
Visit her at
Cari: Holly's fond of just about all of Alex's attributes. I understand why. I happen to agree he's pretty hot. ;) But the thing she loves most, physically, about him? Probably his size (take that any way you would like, ladies) and his strength. Holly's not a small woman - she's tall and full-figured - but Alex is even taller than she is and he has no trouble picking her up and making her feel womanly. She's also very appreciative of his stamina. (As you will see if you read Full Disclosure, he's certainly...enthusiastic. LOL)
Lia: Be still my heart! What does your heroine love most about your hero? Least?
Cari: Tough question. She'd be tempted to say his body first - hey, the guy's hot and young and used to spend lots of hours surfing, so he's pretty ripped - but the truth is she loves his sense of adventure. Alex isn't afraid of putting his heart on the line and he lives life to the fullest. He's wild and impulsive and loves to do whatever pops into his mind.
What she loves least? Probably the same thing, LOL. Holly's a bit more pragmatic about life and is used to living by set rules - and those rules don't include dating a work colleague that's twelve years younger than she is. Alex doesn't see the problem. That whole "wants what he wants when he wants it" thing rearing its ugly head yet again. ;)
Lia: These two sound like a great match. Love it! Have your characters used sex toys? How did that go?
Cari: Oh yeah, they have! Actually one sex toy in particular plays a pretty big role in the book. Since I'm not nearly as much a woman of the world as Holly is, I'd never heard of a tongue vibrator until I was stumbling around online one night. But the story possibilities were too much for me to resist.
Here's a snippet from one of the scenes where Alex whips out his Tongue Zinger, though here he just uses it like a regular vibrator. He's an inventive guy. ;)
“Playing hard to get, are you?”
“Maybe.” Holly's smile glimmered. “Gonna…come and get me?”
“After you come first.” He palmed his toy and pressed a button, setting off a low buzz as he clamped his fingers over her swollen nipple.
“Alex.” She jolted as he upped the vibration. “Oh, God, Alex.”
“I like it when you moan my name.” He hit the button again and the amps increased. She quaked beneath him. “Do it again.”
“What the hell is that? Some kind of stun gun?” She rolled her head to the side, searching for the source of the sensation.
“Yeah, a miniature one.” Alex kept his fingers curved around the toy, blocking her view. “Stop analyzing. Just enjoy.”
He bumped the vibrator up to the highest setting and directed his attention to her other breast. This time, he took a circuitous path over its fullness before reaching the tip. She whimpered, practically writhing from his ministrations.
Sweet hell, she would feel amazing around him. Under him. And he didn’t know how much longer he could wait.
Lia: Um, I think I really like Alex!! Hot excerpt, Cari! Where can readers find and read the rest of this story?
Cari: Full Disclosure is out now at The Wild Rose Press's Wilder Roses… Buy Link:
Lia: I have my copy. Get on over there and buy it, folks! Thanks for being a Writer with Sizzle, Cari!
The Winner Is...
Antonia! Congrats! Missy entered all the names in a hat and drew a winner for Table for Three. Drop her an email and she'll get her book right out to you.
Thanks, Missy, and thanks to everyone who stopped by yesterday!
Thanks, Missy, and thanks to everyone who stopped by yesterday!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Writer with Sizzle: Missy Martine

Missy: Absolutely! In Table for Three it was laughter. Cass was so far out of her depth with her twin gods that she frequently had me snickering.
Here’s an example:
Very gently, he touched his lips to hers, swiping his tongue over the seam of her lips just once. “What about me?” David called out, dragging her attention away from Matt.
Turning her head to look at him, Cass had to laugh out loud. David had put on a fake pouty face, like a spoiled child who didn’t get what he wanted for Christmas. “We certainly can’t forget you,” Cass said as she started to lean down to touch her lips to his.
Suddenly, Demon and Angel came bounding into the room and jumped up on the foot of the bed, barking once to announce their arrival. “Eeeeeeek!” Cass saw the large animals out of the corner of her eye and screamed. Her only thought was to escape. She blindly pushed off with her legs and arms, making a dash to the side of the bed nearest the door. Unfortunately, she had to go over David to reach it. As she scrambled away, her feet came in contact with Matt’s legs, and she used him to propel herself forward, nearly knocking him off the bed in the process. Her arms wildly pushed down to give herself leverage, pummeling David in the head and shoulders.
Lia: Funny scene! How do your characters enjoy their playtime? Rough? Playful? Tender?
Missy: In this book they are always tender. Cass came from an abusive marriage and the men take a lot of extra care to make sure she feels treasured and loved.
Here’s a short example:
Cass whirled her head back around when she felt a delicious sensation at her breast. Matt had taken her nipple into his mouth and was sucking gently. He pulled back and ran his tongue around her dusky areola and then licked the hardened tip. He sat back up and together, he and David gently lowered Cass down until she lay on the pillows. Both men stretched out beside her.
Both men latched onto a nipple, and sucked hard. The feeling grew so intense, Cass arched her body up off the floor trying to push more of her breasts into their hot, moist mouths. Matt pulled away, and David leaned in and thrust his tongue into her mouth, easily coaxing hers to come out and play. While his tongue played with hers, his hands moved to fondle her breasts, pinching and rolling the nipples back and forth between his thumb and forefinger. Gently, he tugged on them, causing Cass to bite her lip to keep from screaming out in pleasure.
So caught up in David’s erotic kiss and the attention he paid to her breasts, she didn’t feel Matt as he slowly slid her sweat pants down her thighs and off the bottom of her feet. Now she lay displayed in just her blue thong.
Lia: Love it! It’s sweet and sexy at the same time. What is your favorite think about being a romance writer?
Missy: I think the fact that I can let my imagination run wild. It’s fiction, so the characters can do just about anything they want, and it’s still okay. Growing up we all had to live with rules and certain codes of conduct. We might have wanted to break them, but most of us never had the courage. With my books, my characters can do all the things I never got to do. It’s been a great way to jump-start my romantic life as well. I’m, well let’s just say I’m over 50, and writing these books have put new fantasies in my life. They’ve enabled me to see that romance and passion doesn’t have to stop when we reach a certain age. If we work at it, it can be ageless. I didn’t start writing until I was 47 years old. I’d been a nurse, and owned a medical billing service before that. I had a series of small strokes that make it impossible for me to continue working outside the home, so I took up the writing as a hobby. It opened up a whole new area of imagination that I didn’t even know I had.
Lia: Very inspirational, Missy! Where can we find your sizzling books?
Missy: You can find my books at Siren/Bookstrand -
I have the beginning book of a Trilogy coming out in January called “Discovering Her Wolfen Heritage” – erotic paranormal romance, shapeshifter
Lia: Ooh, sounds good! Thanks for being a Writer with Sizzle, Missy!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Writer with Sizzle: Helen Hardt

Lia: Hi, Helen! What's your secret to writing a steamy scene?
Helen: Emotion, emotion, emotion! I never head hop, so I choose which character's POV I'm gong to use, and then I become him or her. I dig deep, get inside her head. What is she feeling beneath her fingertips? Smelling? Hearing? Seeing? Tasting? Feeling inside? How is her body reacting physically to the stimuli? To his words? I try to use all five senses plus inner feeling to create vivid word pictures of the scene. I've been known to devote five pages to a first kiss. Lots of sensory detail, lots of emotion, lots of sexy dialogue -- it adds up to one hot scene!
Lia: Sounds good to me! Do you have any advice for the budding romance writer?
Helen: Self-educate! Don't ever stop learning. Learn from every critique, every contest judge, every rejection. There is a wealth of valuable information available from successful authors. Use it. I went from dismal contest results, to winning contests, to getting published all within a year. I attribute that success to self-education. Also, for erotic romance writers, never shy away from anything. I once said I'd never write a ménage. Then I challenged myself to find a ménage situation that worked for me. Now I've written three. One is published and one is under contract. Something I once felt I could never do led to my first contract with Ellora's Cave, Slow and Wet, which released two days ago. So I'm glad I challenged myself.
Lia: Great advice, Helen.
Excerpt from Slow and Wet:
“Trav, this is my girl, Jillian Reynolds.”
A rush of warmth coursed through Jill at the words “my girl”.
“Mighty pleased to make your acquaintance, ma’am.” Travis squeezed her hand, and a flare of heat skittered over her skin. “Seems Dale has all the luck. Beautiful women have always flocked to him.”
Jill leaned farther into Dale’s chest, but Travis continued to hold her hand, rubbing his thumb into her palm. His touch felt nice. Which wasn’t good. She whisked her hand away.
“Remember the good old days?” He spoke to Dale, but he stared at Jill, dropping his gaze to her breasts which were still crushed against cowboy number one. “When we did everything together?”
Dale cleared his throat. “I remember.”
“We were team ropers,” Travis said to Jill. “Champions. Started when we were kids. Couple years ago, though, I went solo in ropin’, and Dale here switched to bustin’ broncs. I’ve been away since then, tourin’ the circuit.”
“And you, Dale?” Jill raised her gaze to his brown eyes.
“You know where I’ve been, darlin’. Here, helpin’ my grandma run this place. Doin’ the local rodeos.”
“But didn’t you ever want to tour?”
“Heck, no. I’m a homebody. I’m happy here, runnin’ the ranch,” he smiled, “hangin’ out with you.” He turned to Travis. “Jill’s from Denver.”
“I took you for a big-city gal,” Travis said. “What are you doin’ in a little cow-town like Sweetwater Junction, Wyoming?”
“I’m in computer sales. A few months ago, an opportunity came up to relocate here, and I jumped at it. I wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle.”
Travis chuckled and shook his head. “If only I’d come home sooner, I might have seen you first.” He winked. “’Course that didn’t always matter.”
Jill’s heart raced beneath her chest. Why? From being held in Dale’s strong arms, no doubt. Or was something else going on?
Shit, she was still naked. “Uh, Dale? I need to—”
“Yeah, you sure do, darlin’.” He grabbed her rump and lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. “We’ll be back in a minute, Trav. Fully clothed.”
“Damn,” Travis said. “Can’t say I’ve seen enough of the beauty of my hometown just yet.”
“Yeah, you have,” Dale said, walking back to the bedroom. He looked over his shoulder. “You’ve seen all of Jill you’re gonna see, pal.”
“Don’t be so sure about that, buddy.”
Had Jill imagined the words? Or had they actually come from the gorgeous blond cowboy?
She tightened her thighs around Dale’s sexy waist. Didn’t matter anyway. She needed to get dressed and then douse herself with about a gallon of Dale’s honey-lemonade.
Then maybe go jump into Sweetwater Lake.
And she wasn’t even sure that would cool her off today.
Lia: Whew! I’ve had the pleasure of reading this sizzling story pre-published so I can assure everyone that the rest of this is just as hot. So go out and get your copy, folks!
Helen, thanks for being a Writer with Sizzle!
You can find more about Helen and her writing at
And the winner is...
The winner of one of Cerise's eBooks is Andrea. Congrats!!! Andrea, can you email me at and I'll get you in touch with Cerise. Thanks!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Writer with Sizzle: Cerise DeLand

Lia: How do your characters enjoy their playtime? Rough? Playful? Tender? All of the above?
Cerise: Rough, playful, tender, funny, strong and enduring. Those are ALL the qualities of my characters when they make love to each other! Isn’t that what we all want and need? Tireless and creative lovers are my main passion and I try to get them on the page and into bed! Or on a kitchen counter. Or on a rack in a dungeon. (Really!) Or on a desk in a mile-high private jet over Dubai. Or in a Parisian club where couples go to share themselves and their experiences.
Love scenes are for mouth-watering delights in almost any place that is comfortable for the raw enjoyment of an exciting partner!
Lia: You definitely have my interest piqued. What is the hottest scene you ever wrote?
Cerise: The hottest scene I ever wrote—and the most difficult—was in my ménage, HER THREE-WAY MERGER. This was the first ménage I ever wrote and the choreography really got me all hot and bothered! In so many ways! I adored the idea of 2 men for one woman. What woman doesn’t? BUT I knew I wanted a happy-ever-after for Sienna and Cord Ryder. I knew these people. Saw them. Understood them. But to write them together in a seduction, culmination and declaration of love? Ah. Tough!
In a scene with only one man and one woman, I get the play. I know what hand is where, why and how to proceed. But with more than one partner, the challenge is all in the best writing to convey the mood, motivation of the characters and to drive the story where you need it to go.
Showing potential love from one of the men had me reeling with the edits. I could not allow the younger brother to become too involved emotionally, either. So when I saw that I had to divide the action and the motivation, I finally understood my story—and my characters soooooooooo much better!
She began to jump up, afraid she wasn’t knowledgeable enough to handle two men at once. But she halted. How did a woman do that, anyway? And not die of ecstasy? The girl in her had wanted both of them at once. Did the woman?
Her pussy throbbed and she knew her answer was yes, oh yes, I want you both. Just like I always had. Any way you want me. In a small but determined voice, she laid ground rules for whatever came next. “But you have to know that whatever happens here my offer is the same as my real estate agent’s.”
“Fun first.” Tate inched closer, his tone all business but his gaze lush with desire as he removed her shoes. “Business later.”
Cord put his mouth to her ear and whispered, “We have to taste you.” And in her surprise, she dissolved in his hands as he lowered his demanding mouth on hers and probed her inner recesses with a spearing tongue. “Every inch of you.” He splayed his fingers in her hair, sent a few of her hairpins flying, then claimed her lips again while one hand covered her breast.
“Give me this,” Tate commanded and took her glass. “I want to show you where this margarita really tastes good.” And in a second, she felt his cold kiss on her kneecap while his cool fingers parted her legs and stroked up her thigh. He went a few inches more and threaded his fingers around the crotch of her thong. She bucked, trying hard to hang on to her sanity and not just come right now like a frustrated nun.
“Oh, Christ, bro,” Tate groaned as his knuckles grazed her slit and she moaned at his tantalizing nudge. “She’s sopping wet for us.”
“Open for him, honey,” Cord crooned to her, one hand undoing the buttons of her blouse. “I am going to kiss your pretty mouth again while he gets his fingers all juicy with you.”
She eagerly widened her legs but the damn tight skirt was such a hindrance that she whimpered in frustration. Cord slipped his palm into her bra and lifted out a swollen nipple. She arched into his caress. “You both have a reputation. Worse than in high school. Ah, god, that’s great, Cord.”
Cord rolled her nipple between two fingers. “Did you pebble like this for me in high school?”
“Yes, yes! Kiss me there!” she ordered, shocked but proud of her demand.
“Should have told us, baby,” Tate said as he delved beneath her thong and caught a few curls of her bush to gently tug at her heavy lips. “We would have done you.”
She squirmed at how Tate’s pull made her give off a succulent sound and damn, if she didn’t want to hear it again. On a shaky breath, she argued, “No, you would not.” I was your fat little next-door neighbor. “I was your tutor.”
“We could have been yours,” Cord murmured. “I would have loved to initiate you.”
“Oh, Cord.” I’d have given you anything you wanted.
(Copyright 2009, Cerise DeLand)
Lia: HOT excerpt, Cerise!! I want to know more about Cord! Where can readers find your books?
Cerise: All of my books are on line. At EC, you can find MIA DOLCE and HER THREE-WAY MERGER, both contemporary romanticas. At you can find POWER POSITION and PARIS EXPOSE. Then, November 30, look for the debut of my historical romantica, the first of a trilogy, AT HER SERVICE!
Lia: I'll be looking for them all. Thanks for being a Writer with Sizzle, Cerise!
Lia: I'll be looking for them all. Thanks for being a Writer with Sizzle, Cerise!
Friday, November 6, 2009
The Winner of First Date is...
Helen Hardt! Congrats, Helen! Please email Lynne directly at to get your copy of First Date.
Thank you so much to Lynne! It was a pleasure to interview you. And thanks, everyone, for stopping by and giving Lynne some love!
Thank you so much to Lynne! It was a pleasure to interview you. And thanks, everyone, for stopping by and giving Lynne some love!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Writer with Sizzle: Lynne Roberts

Lia: What physical aspect does your heroine love most about your hero? Details, please!
Lynne: Oh, this is so tame but Jill would absolutely say she loves Bret’s slow, sexy smile. The rest of the package isn’t half bad though.
Lynne: The hottest scene I’ve ever written is in the as of yet unnamed story of Caleb and Lily. I really can’t say much about it right now except it involves chocolate body paint, a shower head and a lot of steam.
Lia: Ooh, looking forward to that one! Where is the wildest place your characters have had sexual relations?
Lynne: A barn, stairway, public bathroom and a pond in the middle of the forest... You know, until my current work in progress, my characters haven’t had sex in a bed, or in a house for that matter. LOL. The wildest? Apart from the middle of the forest? ; ) I’d have to say the stairway.
Here’s an excerpt from First Date:
A brief flare of sanity intruded in her lust-clouded brain. Even with the storm, the barn wasn’t isolated. A maintenance man regularly checked on the place, or another realtor might even show the property.
Jill pulled away then almost lost her train of thought when Bret slid his finger under the white lace, stroking the rise of her breast above her nipple.
A surge of liquid further dampened her panties, and her legs tightened around his thighs.
She gasped. “Someone could come.”
“I sure as hell hope so,” Bret murmured.
Lia: Wow, I'm always amazed at how some writers can fit so much heat in so few words. Hot stuff! Has anything in your real life ever inspired a scene for your book?
Lynne: Sigh, I can’t believe I’m admitting this but here goes.
In my upcoming book, also from The Wilder Rose Press, the heroine is quite taken with the way the hero walks across a room.

Lia: Love it! Great story! Where can we find your sizzling books?
Lynne: You can find my books at The Wilder Rose Press
You can find me at
Or on Twitter: Lynne_Roberts.
Lia: Excellent. Thanks for being a Writer with Sizzle, Lynne!
OCD Wednesday
My OCD picks for the week:
1. Working on my WereSlave edits (What's wrong with me that I'm actually liking this?)
2. (If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To By Weezer (Really cute song!!)
3. So You Think You Can Dance? (I'm still looking for a favorite but I'm loving Russell so far)
4. My kid's Halloween candy. (Please, somebody hide that sh*t from me!!)
5. And the new guy from Grey's Anatomy!! What a great addition, don't you think?
1. Working on my WereSlave edits (What's wrong with me that I'm actually liking this?)
2. (If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To By Weezer (Really cute song!!)
3. So You Think You Can Dance? (I'm still looking for a favorite but I'm loving Russell so far)
4. My kid's Halloween candy. (Please, somebody hide that sh*t from me!!)
5. And the new guy from Grey's Anatomy!! What a great addition, don't you think?
Jesse Williams starring as Dr. James Avery:
So, what's your obsession this week?
And the Winner of Talk Dirty to Topaz Is...
Cindy Spencer Pape! Congrats Cindy!! You can email me at and I'll forward your email on to Amber or you can email Amber directly.
Thanks, everyone, for stopping by!
Thanks, everyone, for stopping by!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Writer with Sizzle: Amber Skyze

Lia: What is your favorite sexual position to write about?
Amber: Hmmm, any sexual position is my favorite. :-)Seriously, I enjoy writing the sex scenes. Seven years ago I couldn’t say that. I was this shy, timid woman afraid of anything new. Let’s just say I had an awakening in my early thirties. Sometimes it’s difficult to find something new to write, but that’s the joy of all the sex books out there. They’re full of wonderful ideas.
Lia: Thank goodness for awakenings. :-) Have you ever lived out any of your scenes?
Amber: Well don’t you have to live out the sex scenes to make sure they’re possible? ;-)
Lia: LOL! The hardships of research, right? Have your characters ever been caught having sex in public? How did that go?
Amber: In Body Shots, a new release coming in December from Ellora’s Cave, the heroine and hero get caught having sex on a pool table in a bar. I can’t tell you anymore because this book has suspense and I’d give away too many secrets.
Lia: Ooh, I like the sound of it already! What is your favorite thing about being a romance writer?
Lia: Where can readers find your sizzling books, Amber?
Amber: Readers can find my books at:
Lia: Thanks for being a Writer with Sizzle, Amber!
Winner of Bewitching You is....
Carol L!! Congrats! Please email Viola at and she'll send you the eBook copy of Bewitching You.
Come back tomorrow where Amber Skyze is giving away a copy of one of her eBooks!
Thanks everyone!!
Come back tomorrow where Amber Skyze is giving away a copy of one of her eBooks!
Thanks everyone!!
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